If there is anything people need these days more than a stable job and money to pay the bills, it’s prayer. Things are tough out there, tough for just about everyone, and it seems we’re all in need of something.
This is usually made most evident in the period of time just after our Sunday school class at church and just before the worship service begins, when our class huddles together to see for whom and what we should spend our week in prayer over. It’s usually quite a list, filled with troubles spiritual, emotional, and physical. People are hurting, and in more ways than one.
I’ve often wondered if God places a greater amount of importance on some prayers rather than others. Not according to the righteousness of the petitioner maybe, but maybe the depth of the problem. Are some troubles more important and have a greater immediacy for His attention?
One prayer request that was never uttered last Sunday answered that question for me, and the story is over at katdish’s blog today. I invite you over there to read it. Let me know if I’m on to something…