I’ll be the first to admit that blogging can be a tough thing. It takes time to design a good site, more time to write good posts for that good site, and even more time to figure out how in the world to build an audience when there are literally millions of other blogs out there. It can all seem like a daunting task, which is exactly what it is.
So when someone comes along with an idea to help bloggers navigate the heady waters of audience and platform, I figure the least I can do is help spread the word.
Chances are you’ve heard of Bryan Allain. He’s been blogging since 2001 at BryanAllain.com, where he offers a daily mix of comedy and inspiration. He’s managed to build quite the empire over the years, writing for such outlets as RELEVANT Magazine, COLLIDE Magazine, Stuff Christians Like, The Burnside Writers Collective, and The Daily Beast. And I can vouch for the fact that he’s a nice guy. I met Bryan and his wife a couple years ago at Waffle House. There’s a bond between people who meet at Waffle House.
Bryan’s started a new website called BlogRocket.com, where he helps fellow bloggers overcome their blogging frustrations and achieve their blogging goals. The site features a membership community and a 12-week Booster Course designed to help small to mid-sized bloggers increase their traffic numbers, hone their blogging voice, and develop a strong community.
Head over there and join the BlogRocket Mailing List, and you’ll get a FREE download of The 29 eBook, a 32-page eBook that offers advice and insight on the Top 29 Frustrations bloggers face. I signed up last week, so I can vouch for what the eBook offers. You’ll also be entered to win a $109 Amazon Gift Card, and you can’t beat that with a stick.
Like I said, blogging can be a tough thing. Whenever an opportunity presents itself to get a leg up on the competition, it’s best to take it.
Trust me.