Though saved by grace, I’m far from graceful. I’ve taken my share of falls in my thirty-seven years, ones that required casts or stitches or kisses from my mother (and in once instance all three). I’ve gotten better at staying on my feet, though. In fact, I figure I went a good fifteen years or so without tripping or falling over anything. For the most part.
But then came a couple weeks ago, a very dark Monday morning, and an incident that can best be described as ice + snow – coffee = ouch.
Thankfully, the damage wasn’t too severe. Not so thankfully, I was confined to the living room for most of the next week. But it wasn’t all bad. I had plenty of time to think over my predicament and what I was going to do to get over it. And what I found will, I’m hoping, be just as useful to you when recovering from a tumble as it was to me.
Follow me over to katdish’s blog. And do me a favor — pray with me that all this snow melts soon.