It was easy to understand why the oil spill was on a lot of people’s minds at the beach. Everyone from the lifeguards to the waitresses to the shop owners was talking about it. And since some scientists have stated that the spill could eventually snake itself all the way up to the Virginia coast, I suppose all that pondering was warranted.
There wasn’t much worrying though, at least not from the crowd at the restaurant where we had our breakfast one day. The folks in Virginia Beach are tough, made that way by enduring everything from hurricanes to loved ones in the military being sent to war. Being around them reminded me how lucky I am to be a little person.
That’s right, a little person.
Not famous or rich or powerful, but unknown and getting by and a little fragile.
I wrote about the little people today for katdish. Stop by and hear what I have to say.
Trust me, you’ll be thankful you’re a little person, too.