Know what I love? Laughing.
I do it every day, and most days repeatedly. I laugh at myself and my own stupidity. And I laugh at others and their stupidity, too. Because let’s face it, people are funny.
There’s an old saying that postulates that we must either laugh or cry, and so we might as well laugh. That’s true, I think. Our world is such that it begs a reaction–either hope or doubt, love or hate, laughter or tears. And though I’m never one to diminish the power of tears, for me laughter’s always won out in the end.
I’ve often wonder what made Jesus laugh. The Bible never says, though I’m sure He did. Jesus has gotten the bad rap of being a sad, weary God. Though that was certainly the case from time to time, I’m pretty sure He laughed a lot, too. I’m also pretty sure some of the things I find funny He wouldn’t.
Which brings us to this weekend’s question, courtesy of Dr. Gregory Stock’s The Book of Questions. If you’d like, you can leave your answer in the comments.
Ready? Here goes:
What, if anything, is too serious to be joked about?