It’s Saturday, which means I’ve pulled Dr. Gregory Stock’s The Book of Questions down off the shelf, closed my eyes, and picked one of his questions to ask you.
Fortunately, my fingers stopped flipping pages at question 210. One of my favorites.
I say that because it touches upon one of humanity’s most common afflictions–regret. That old expression of hindsight being 20/20 is true. We can see much more clearly by turning around than looking ahead. One of the great ironies of life.
There are those among us who buckle under the weight of their bad decisions and horrible mistakes, and those who believe that every choice we’ve made in life, whether good or bad, has helped bring us right where God wants us to be. And then there are people like me who fall somewhere between the two.
So with that in mind, here’s this weekend’s question. Feel free to answer in the comments:
“You are given a chance to return to any previous point in your life and change a decision you made, but you will lose everything that has happened to you since then. Is there a time you would return to? If so, would you like to retain the memory of the life you are giving up even though you could never recapture it?”