‘Tis the season for moving up and moving on, whether it be from high school into college or college into the real world. It’s a wonderful time, an exciting time.
A scary time.
Of course, all that fear is quietly set aside in the midst of all the celebration. There’s so much to look back on that you can afford to pick and choose what you see in front of you. To the graduates from the college where I work, what’s in front of them seems bright and cheery and full of promise.
A case in point.
The other day I overheard a graduating senior say this:
“I can’t wait to start real life!”
A part of me is glad that we weren’t in close enough proximity for her to hear me laugh at that. Would’ve been rude on m part. But a part of me is a little sad, too. If either of us were closer, maybe we would have gotten the opportunity to sit and talk for a while. I would have gotten the chance to congratulate her on her hard work and accomplishment. And then I would have said that school isn’t really over for her at all.
Oh, no. School is just beginning.
But since we both missed out on that conversation, I thought I’d write about it instead over at katdish’s website. Feel free to scoot on over there and read it. And to all you graduates out there, let me say congratulations. You’ve earned it. Now put down your pencils, clean out your lockers, and get ready. Real life is here. And there aren’t many grades anymore. Most of real life is pass or fail.