I suppose the whole December 2012 thing is to blame for much of the talk about the end of the world these days. Seems like that sort of thing is just about everywhere. I was in the bookstore over the weekend and spotted at least a dozen new titles about everything from Armageddon to the Earth’s poles being reversed. Crazy stuff, that.
I also caught the newest post-Apocalyptic movie over the weekend. Not usually my thing, but I really like Denzel Washington. The movie was decent enough, but the real action took place in the theater itself. When the projector broke.
What happened next can be found over at katdish’s blog today. It made me feel a little better about both the state of our world and our ability to endure whatever Big Bad comes our way. Because in the end we won’t need leaders or muscle-bound heroes. As long as we have people like Angela, I think we’ll be just fine.