You remember Johnny Carson, right? Great guy. And funny. Millions of people couldn’t go to bed at night until after Carson. He was just that good.
But every once in a while Johnny would need a little break from the show. He had some things to take care of and new horizons to explore. So he’d call Jay Leno to come and do a show. Now everyone knew that Jay Leno was no Johnny Carson, but they put up with him, maybe even liked him, because they knew Johnny would be back the next day.
That’s sort of what I’m doing today. I’m Jay Leno, and katdish, over at Hey look, a chicken! is Johnny Carson.
My post is over there today, and I’d like you to come on over and see what I learned last week about God Work. Make sure you leave a comment so I’ll know you didn’t get lost along the way, and feel free to roam around katdish’s site. If you ever need a laugh, some social commentary, and a little random madness, she’s the lady to see.
And I’ll see you back here tomorrow.