I’ll be getting up as usual today, and that means just ahead of the sun. The only difference is that this time I won’t be doing so to go to work, I’ll be doing so to run away.
That’s what I tend to call my vacations. Running away. I refer to them as such not in any sort of mean-spirited way. As stressful and tiresome as my life can get at times, it is nonetheless a good life. I really don’t have much to run away from.
It is nice, however, to know that if I ever do have much to run away from, I have somewhere to go. To the ocean. The great thing about living in Virginia is that everything is spread out and close. In the matter of a few hours, I can trade mountains for sea. Not a bad deal at all.
Going to the beach always seems to put me in a reflective mood, and this year is no different. If I bother to pay attention to both family legend and historical fact (and I do), you could say seawater runs in my veins. Personally, I think that’s pretty cool.
So to hear about what the ocean does to me, follow me over to katdish’s website. And I promise that tonight as I’m sitting on a balcony overlooking the Atlantic, I’ll pause to raise a glass to you. No, really.