To me, summer has always been the time to catch up. After nine months of constant work and unending stress, everything finally slows sufficiently enough to at least be able to run alongside rather than falter behind. I can take a breather. Relax.
That’s the plan, anyway. The reality, of course, is much different. Because those three months of slowing down and taking it easy are never really like that. There’s just as much to do and keep up with as before.
I never really understood why that was. Life is so rushed and so constant that we always seem to be lagging behind. Those moments when we feel as though we’re actually ahead of the game are both few and fleeting. Pause to think that, to give yourself a little praise, and suddenly you’re behind again.
But I think I understand why that is now.
Jason told me.
He of the big brain and the coffee shop. A classic over-thinker who thought himself into a mess but just might be onto something.
To hear what he had to say to me and to find the answer to one of life’s enduring mysteries, I invite you to hop on over to katdish’s website. But first, take a sip of coffee and a deep breath. You’ll find out why soon enough.