My daughter points into the night sky from the back deck of our house, leaping from the not-so-sturdy chair and knocking it over.
Then it’s my son’s turn: “I SEE IT ISEEIT!”
Both stand in front of me, eyes wide and jaws slack. Though the heavens above us are awash in sparkling dots and faint wisps of the Milky Way, I’m not paying much attention to the stars. But I am paying attention to the two small people in front of me. I’ve seen my share of falling stars in my life, seen enough that I didn’t think I needed to see any more. What is more beautiful, more compelling, is watching my children watch them.
They’ve heard of falling stars, of course. They are plentiful in their bedtime stories and have shown up in most of their Disney movies. They’ve even drawn them with red and purple crayons on construction paper.
But they’ve never seen one. Not until tonight. Not until just now…
To read the rest of this post, please follow me to highcallingblogs.com. Wonder is an amazing feeling, and one that seems sadly lacking in these times. Age and experience shouldn’t rob us of our sense of awe. If anything, it should inspire more.