Today’s the day we’ve all been dreading. My family, I mean. It’s a day that has been in the back of our minds for the last three months, stuck there like a burr that we couldn’t seem to get out. The fact that we didn’t really have to worry about it made it hurt a little less. It was a day we knew would come, yes. But it was also a day that would come later.
Today is later. The last day of summer vacation.
My wife is back to school already, busy with setting up desks and planning and copying and whatever else teachers do. My children seem to be going through the five stages of grief (my daughter has made it to the last stage, acceptance. My son is still stuck on denial).
The first week of school is always tough on everyone. Add to that a few pages of revisions from the publisher to go through, and that means it’s time to hunker down and wait out the brewing storm.
As such, I’ll be doing a little re-posting this week of things you might’ve missed the first time around. The first on is over at katdish’s site. And appropriately enough, it’s about back-to-school shopping. Hop on over there. Say hey. And remember, it’s not just the school kids who can start all over again.