Depending upon when you happen to be reading this, I’ll either be leaving for, driving to, or at the beach. It’s vacation time for me, and that’s always meant the ocean.
And I’ll be honest. I need a break. I’ve been more than a little stressed lately, and I haven’t been able to visit you all nearly as much as I’d like. But there was one thing I had to do before I left, and this is part of it.
The other part is over on Katdish’s blog.
I had quite a few people last week ask about my as yet unpublished book (which is actually books). Some wanted a little taste of it. So true to my Southern upbringing, I decided to go all out.
Since my posts this week will most likely be beach related, Katdish has kindly allowed me to post half of the first chapter on her blog today and the other half next Monday.
I’ve never been one to speak highly of myself, but I will say that this may be the best story I’ve ever written. I will never forget that day, and I will never forget little Jordan. She taught me a lot. I can only hope I taught her a little.
So why don’t you stop on over there and take a look, and I’ll see you back here tomorrow. I’ll be trading my boots for flip flops and a front porch for a balcony, but you can’t beat the view and there’s still plenty of room to sit.
Don’t worry about finding me. I’ll leave the light on for you.