Most everyone would say their grandmother was the best who ever walked the earth. They would even have plenty of evidence to corroborate their assertion. And that’s fine, really. But they would be wrong, because there has never been a grandmother like mine and never will.
Though she passed on a long-ago October afternoon, it’s the summertime when I miss her most. Those were the lazy days when she would keep me at her home while my parents were at worked, dispensing her Mennonite wisdom in one breath and her Amish discipline in the next.
Of all the people I’ve ever known, she taught me the most about life. Not just to look, but to see. Not just to listen, but to hear. And not just to dream, but to dream big.
She also taught me this: there is a lesson to be learned in everything. From the birds who nested in the willow tree outside her door to the mint she picked to brew my sweet tea to the garden that grew in the backyard.
But the lesson I remember most is the fruit salad.
I got what I deserved that day, no doubt about it. But hey, we all say things sometimes without thinking them through first.
So, what’d I say? And what lesson was in the fruit salad? Hop on over to katdish’s blog, and I’ll tell you. Trust me, you’ll never look at a bowl of Jell-O and fruit the same again…