I tend to be somewhat of a minimalist when it comes to most things in life. For the most part, less is always better. That holds true for everything from tears to possessions.
But when it comes to the contents of my pockets, that whole philosophy gets turned upside down.
I carry more Stuff than anyone I know, shoved into every pocket I happen to have. These are not mere possessions, but necessities to make my day run as smoothly as possible.
To be honest, I’d much rather go without having to lug around so much extra weight. And I’ve tried several times to leave at least one of them at home. But the results have always been the same–a lot of confusion mixed with a touch of anarchy.
All of which got me to thinking about what we really need to carry out the door with us every day. What’s not worth taking along every day? What can’t we do without?
The answers can be found at Katdish’s blog today, and I’ll invite you over there. If you’d like to add more to the list, please do so. And if you’d like to suggest a way for me to walk around a little lighter, please suggest that, too.