There are more than a few people in this world who believe my wife to be a super hero. She cooks and cleans and straightens and is the official boo-boo kisser of the house. She also serves as both shepherdess and policewoman for a ragtag bunch of fourth graders who both absolutely love and mostly obey her. So yeah, I get the whole super hero thing. I really do.
But like all super heroes, my wife isn’t impervious to everything. Like Superman and Kryptonite, she has a chink in her armor.
Luckily, she has me there to make sure that chink doesn’t get any bigger. Every super hero needs a sidekick to serve as comic relief and to get into trouble now and then. That’s me.
But also like any sidekick, I have a job to do. Robin saved Batman more than once, and how many times did all those whales and sharks come through for Aqua Man? And I tend to save my wife. A lot.
To find out what that chink is and what sort of saving I do, head on over to katdish’s blog. Chances are you have your own sidekick who does this sort of thing…